Living by the Rulebook
Read, read, and then re-read the rules! The first step on your F1 in Schools journey to competition should include reading both the Technical Regulations and Competition Regulations. These rulebooks outline the technical specifications that your car must adhere to in order to compete, as well as the other competitie elements that you’ll need to create your entry. In addition to outlining rules, the Competition Regulations detail how competitive event interviews and sessions will be conducted, including the procedure for racing sessions. It’s important for all team members - no matter their team role - to read both sets of rules before (and during) your project.
Check out this helpful powerpoint that touches on some tips for reading the rules, and then find the official rules on the Rules and Regulations page of our website.
Remember, if you have any questions about the rules, you can always email us at If any questions that are submitted require an official clarification, the clarification will be posted alongside a revision of the rules on the Rules and Regulations page, so it’s a good idea to periodically check back as well for updates that may occur. Registered teams will also normally get an email about this new rules release, if it occurs.
Don’t forget: There are seperate sets of rules for the Development and Professional Classes! While they are similar, be sure you are reading the rules for your entry class!